We're glad you have decided to visit us at our website. We want to make your visit as easy as possible, so here are some questions you may have. If you have any questions not answered here on our website, please contact us. We will be more than happy to help you!
Where is Grand Heights located?
Grand Heights is located about 15 minutes northeast of Dayton in the City of Fairborn, Ohio.
A detailed map and directions can be found here.
Who are we?
Grand Heights is a group of believers seeking to glorify God by bringing people to Jesus Christ and equipping them to be more faithful disciples. Our pastor will bring a message directly from the Bible. If you would like to listen to past sermons or couldn't attend Sunday morning, you can download or listen to recent messages here. We seek to understand what God has to say and how we can practically apply His Word to our daily lives.
Check out our About Us section for more specifics on what we believe, and what we are trying to accomplish.
Will I be singled out or embarrassed at my first visit to Grand Heights?
We promise we will not embarrass you by asking anyone to raise their hands, stand and introduce yourselves to the whole church, or wear tacky visitor name tags, or anything like that. Instead, we have a Welcome Center in the main hallway for our visitors where we hope you might be willing to fill out a first-time guest card. If you would rather check us out anonymously, that's okay too. Our What To Expect section had more information you will find helpful for you first visit. As part of our worship service, we do spend a few minutes greeting one another. A time we call "Pass the Peace," where a few friendly smiles and warm handshakes are sure to be extended your way.
Will I be asked to give money to the church?
We do take offerings during our worship service, but if you are visiting, please do not feel obligated to contribute.
You are our guest. Our offering time is for those who have made Grand Heights their church home and are committed to supporting the many ministries we offer.
What kind of worship will I find at Grand Heights?
The services at Grand Heights are designed to be powerful and meaningful. You will find a mix of music styles and other creative elements, including relevant messages that will encourage, challenge, and strengthen you in your spiritual journey. Music is a wonderful gift that allows us to more easily remember truth and to express our emotions. Don’t be surprised if people clap or raise their hands – we think God is worth getting excited about!
Do you have an evening service?
While we do not have an evening service, Grand Heights offers a wide variety of ministries where you can be involved. Many adults serve in our AWANA program for children while others participate in one of our Small Group Bible studies.
What about my children?
We love families! We offer childcare during the worship service from birth through second grade. During our Adult Bible Fellowship hour, there are classes and small groups available for elementary kids (K-6th grade)
and students (7th-12th grades). An outstanding team of trained and screened adult leaders will be ready to greet you and guide you to where you need to be.
Do I need to dress up to fit in?
"Friendly" and "casual" are two of the words people use to describe us at Grand Heights! We have a “come as you are” atmosphere. You will see some dressed up and others dressed casual. We are more interested in your "heart for worship" than in your "dress for worship."
What happens in case of snow or extreme weather conditions?
If one of our services is canceled, we will post it on our website. You can also check the local TV news
(channels 7, 22 and 45) regarding any schedule changes or closings.
Can I tithe electronically?
Yes! We are able to process donations through PayPal. Please click HERE to go to our PayPal page.
You can also use your bank’s online Bill Pay feature. Make sure you have the church’s phone number and address handy. For the account number use your name. Finally, some of the systems aren’t good at telling us about designated giving, so feel free to use a check for special gifts.